Forgive me Lord, that I allow my days and hours to be
So filled with trfling tasks, that oft I find bo time for thee.
My thoughts so oft are occupied with countless earthly things,
When thou wouldst have them mount on high by faith with eagles wings.
So many duties round me press, That rob me of the time
I fain would spend with Thee, my lord, in fellowship divine.
Too busy- O forbid, dear Lord, that should ever be
Too much engrossed in worldly tasks to spend an hour with Thee!
That I should let the din of life drown out Thy voice of love
And groveling in the "sands of time," lose out on things above.
O help me, Lord, to take the time- to set all else aside,
That in the secret place of prayer I may with thee abide.
To hear what thou wouldst say to me, And hold communion sweet;
To praise Thy precious worthy Name and worship at thy feet:
To hearken to Thy holy will, To feel thy cleansing pow'r-
O may I ne'er let aught deprive my soul of this blest hour!