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May 21st, 2008

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" -

1 Thess. 5:16-18

We are told that whoso offereth praise glorifies God(Psl.50:23). One of the marks of the wicked is unthankfulness(2Tim.3:2). Ingratitude is a sin and reveals the state of a heart estranged from God. In prayer we are invited to come to Him, presenting our petitions, but even as we make our requests known, we are to give thanks for mercies already received (Phil. 4:6). This is emphasized in the above text, which shows that unceasing prayer and constant thanksgiving should ever be characteristic of the believer. In this, as in all else, our blessed Lord sets us an example. When things were moving on to the darkest hours for Him, He could look up to God, His Father, and say, "I thank Thee" (Mat. 11:25), as He submitted Himself in prayer to the will of God in all things. - H.A. Ironside

Why shouldest thou not rejoice, my soul, Loved as thou art with changeless love?

And, on His Father's throne above, Lives everlastingly, And intercedes for thee.

Rejoice, again I say, Rejoice, In Him, thy living, loving Lord; His joy be thine, His will thy choice,

Himself thy Shield, thy great Reward. That one thine eyes shall see Who soon will come for thee!

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