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“Definition of Terms”
by Religious Trojan Horse   
August 2nd, 2013

Sustainable Development: The framework for global governance. Sustainable development is a code term for restraining developed countries through multinational power. The system promotes abortion on demand, population control, socialized medicine, social justice, welfare programs, public housing, and elimination of national sovereignty, parental authority, and religious liberty. One of its tenets is the criminalization of Christianity. A variety of UN-aligned organizations uses sustainable development as the framework for bringing about global governance.

Agenda 21: A nearly 400-page document on how to use “sustainable development” as the framework for global governance. Agenda21 is the global plan to implement a one-world economy, a one-world government, a one-world religious system, and radical environmentalism. Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong were involved in the 1992 United Nations’ Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where Agenda 21 was unveiled.

Change agent: A person posing as a “Christian,” evangelical, in order to infiltrate the Church from within. Change agents are rabid haters of Christians, the Gospel, and the Bible and know how to manipulate a church for their own ends. Many change agents co-opt religious organizations and institutions in order to turn them toward pagan spirituality, ecumenicalism, liberation theology, dominion theology, and the creation of a New World Order. A significant goal of change agents is to transform the Church so it is no longer an obstacle to the New World Order but an active participant and builder of it. Rick Warren is a change agent and a trainer of change agents.

Contextualizing the Gospel: Is the idea that the Church must dilute the Gospel to make it more appealing to contemporary culture. Contextualization, as practiced by the false church, does not involve preaching the biblical Gospel that transforms people who live within the culture but is the preaching of a social gospel by people who have instead been transformed by their culture.

Cultural Marxism: The state in which an all-powerful and intrusive government eliminates personal freedoms under the guise of political correctness. Cultural Marxism intends to destroy Christianity in all areas of life because elimination of the Christian worldview will create the chaos necessary for the implementation of socialism (redistribution of wealth). Cultural Marxism was introduced in America when the faculty of the Frankfurt School was welcomed to America by John Dewey in 1933. Dewey and his cohorts specifically targeted education and media as the means by which to inculcate their worldview into American culture. Cultural Marxism is taught through educational programs that emphasize feminism, diversity, multiculturalism, and tolerance.

Deist: A person who believes that God created the world but does not intervene in the affairs of mankind.

Diversity: A masking term for the promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender sexuality, and the transvestite lifestyle.

Dominion theology: The belief that God gave Adam and Eve a type of legal authority over the earth. The dominion interpretation of mankind’s mandate from God wrongly assumes a legal authority instead of the actual intent that we are to be stewards of the world. Adherents to dominion theology believe they must establish the Kingdom of God on earth before Christ can return. As a result, its proponents work to place Christians in control of every earthly institution and area of influence. This belief is reflected in the “Seven Mountain Mandate”

Dualism: The belief that man has a mind/soul and a body, which are distinct from each other. Christians believe the mind/soul lives forever.

Ecumenism: The merging in spiritual and theological issues with other religions for the accomplishment of certain spiritual objectives. Ecumenicalism often involves Protestants joining in spiritual enterprises with Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, and New Agers. Ecumenicalism was greatly advanced through the 1994 document “Evangelicals and Catholics Together.”

Emergent Church: Although difficult to define because proponents believe truth is subjective (which results in a fluid belief system), the Emergent Church is marked by a rejection of the authority of God’s Word, of the exclusivity of salvation through grace and faith in Christ alone, and of traditional, orthodox Christianity. The Emergent Church embraces postmodernism, existentialism, Gnosticism, and mysticism. Like many liberal, mainstream churches, the Emergent Church rejects the idea of the return of Jesus Christ and His judgment of the world. Instead, they believe it is their responsibility to build God’s Kingdom through utopian ideals of the redistribution of wealth, the social gospel, disarmament, and a world community committed to social justice and pluralism.

“Evangelicals and Catholics Together”: A 1994 document declaring that Catholics and Protestants are both Christian groups, and thus evangelicals should stop trying to convert Catholics. Chuck Colson and two Jesuit priests were the main influencers in drafting this heretical document.

Existentialism: The central tenet of existentialism is that there is no absolute truth. “Christians” practicing existentialism introduced what is called neo-orthodoxy. The American version of this movement grew popular in the 1960s and virtually took over in the ’70s and ’80s. Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche are considered by many to be the most influential promoters of existentialism. Nietzsche applied the idea of subjective truth to the natural world as an atheist, while Kierkegaard applied subjective truth to his brand of spirituality and called himself a Christian.

Fabian socialism: The system by which socialism is implemented through evolution, not revolution (as distinct from communism, which advocates revolution). Fabian socialism started in London in 1883. It is not merely national socialism but globalism. Fabianism dovetails with corporate fascism, the merging of big government and big business. Keynesian economics is tied directly to Fabian socialism and communitarianism. The ultimate goal is global governance, a one-world economic system, and a one-world government. Communitarianism and Fabian socialism are twins, but communitarians are generally not referred to as Fabian socialists because most have never belonged to the Fabian Socialist Society.

Feminism: The belief that women are equal in all ways to men. The primary thrust of feminism, though, is not about gaining equal rights for women but about the feminization of the American male. Feminism is an anti-family and anti-father movement and virtually guarantees the wholesale destruction of the traditional family. The champions of feminism have included Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and, most prominently, Betty Friedan. Friedan was the co-founder of the National Organization of Women (NOW), one of America’s most radical feminist organizations. Gnosticism (see definition below) and pagan spirituality are inextricably linked to feminism through the promotion of worshipping the female goddess Gaia or Mother Earth. Gnosticism elevates women to the role of savior of mankind. As a result, the worship of Mary is prevalent in the Gnosticism of the Catholic Church.

Gnosticism: The belief in discovering hidden spiritual knowledge through mystical practices often associated with Eastern religions. Gnosticism holds that salvation is not gained exclusively through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that truth can be obtained through mystical experience and practices. Gnosticism includes the worship of angels.

Hegelian Dialectic Process: Bringing about social and cultural change through creating conflict between opposites. The thesis, an idea, and the antithesis, an opposite idea, fight, conflict, synthesize, and merge together to produce a third option or Third Way, or a mixture of both. This process is used in many areas—including economics, law, government, and religion—to manipulate the populace. It is not only a favorite tool of communitarians, Fabian socialists, neo-evangelicals, and Marxists but also of the Church of Rome and its Jesuit Order.

Intolerance: Any belief that stems from a morally absolute foundation or worldview. Christianity is considered intolerant because it claims Jesus is the only way to God and that truth consists only in that which is consistent with the character and nature of God as revealed in the Christian Scriptures.

Keynesian economics: A philosophy of economics that calls for the continuous inflation or creation of money. It is named for John Maynard Keynes, who first articulated the system. Keynes was a Fabian socialist, and as a result, Keynesianism is tied directly to Fabian socialism and communitarianism. The creation of fiat money, a cornerstone of Keynesianism, generates inflation which steals people’s wealth or the purchasing power of their money by devaluing currency. Keynesian economics also holds that debt is beneficial and that the dollar (or any other currency) should not be backed by gold or silver, thus allowing the government to print as much money as desired. The alternative economic philosophy is referred to as Austrian or classic economics. A classic economist, among other things, disapproves of debt, believes money should be backed by a hard asset such as gold or silver, and that the market should not be manipulated by a central government.

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR): A movement that believes in extra biblical revelation, prophets, apostles, and other similar heresies. NAR proponents include Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau, Chuck Pierce, C. Peter Wagner, John Arnott, Cindy Jacobs, James W. Goll, and Lou Engle. The New Apostolic Reformation is an outgrowth of the Latter Rain Movement of the 1940s, the Kansas City Prophet movement of the 1980s, and the Word of Faith movement that includes the prosperity gospel (“Name It and Claim It”). The New Apostolic Reformation is helping build the “new order” or “new world order” of the antichrist.

New Religious Right (NRR): Contemporary proponents of what was previously known as the Religious Right. The Religious Right developed in the mid-1970s. Its founders include the late Pastor Adrian Rogers of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention; the late Dr. D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; and the late Dr. Jerry Falwell of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. New Religious Right leaders, unlike the previous generation, have largely abandoned the original leaders’ commitment to biblical theology and doctrine, and as a result they unite openly with false teachers when it furthers NRR political and cultural goals.

Political correctness: Speech required by the cultural elite that denies the character and nature of God. Related to compromise, collectivism, socialism, tolerance, and moral relativism, political correctness is a masking term for the beliefs and ideas that stem from humanism and socialism; also known as cultural Marxism.

Postmodernism: The belief that truth (and the consequent reality) is not discovered but is created by mankind. A postmodern worldview allows that two opposing truth claims can be equal—unless one of the views is based on a fixed moral standard. An “absolute” view is not seen by the postmodernist as being equal but as being unacceptable because it is “intolerant.”

Reconstructionism: Dr. Tommy Ice defines reconstructionism as the belief that “…God will bless the church’s effort to Christianize the earth. Since God’s kingdom was established at Christ’s first coming, godly dominion will be mediated through the church before the return of Christ. The victory of God’s kingdom on earth will be during and continuous with this present era.”

Secular Humanism: The belief that there is no God. People are the highest order of creature, and there is no such thing as the spiritual world. Only the natural world exists. A Secular Humanist believes people die, and that is it, there is nothing beyond the grave.

Seven Mountain Mandate: The goal of those who believe in dominion theology. They hope to win the culture war by taking control of the power centers of the culture. The seven mountains of influence to be taken by Christians are religion, family, business, arts & entertainment, government, education, and media. They believe through these seven power centers they can legislate “kingdom values.” Many proponents of the Seven Mountain Mandate want to rule the world under Old Testament Law.

Social gospel: Social justice (see definition below) advocated and implemented by the Church. While its proponents call it a “gospel,” the social gospel is simply socialism wrapped in religious terminology and unbiblical theology.

Social justice: A masking term for the economic philosophies of communism and socialism. Social justice promotes the redistribution of income in the name of “the common good.” Among world influencers, “common good” is used regularly by the Vatican and the pope.

Socialism: The belief that the outcome of everyone’s work can and should be equal. Socialism advocates the elimination of private property and seeks to redistribute wealth. It is consistent with the humanist worldview because humanists deny the sin nature of mankind and as a result believe socialism will work if people simply try hard enough to implement its principles. In reality, people are sinful from birth, battling greed, selfishness, pride, anger, bitterness, envy, laziness, and dishonesty. All of these sinful human qualities prevent a system of economics based on equal work, equal income, and shared benefits from working.

Spiritual evolution: A common belief within Fabian socialism, the Emergent Church, the communitarian church-growth movement, and the New Age movement that everything is biologically and spiritually spiraling up to a condition of perfection that will allow mankind to usher in a New Age—a New World Order or God’s Kingdom on earth. Spiritual evolution teaches that mankind can save himself as he discovers and embraces his own divine nature and the common ground in all religions. “The Father of the New Age Movement” was Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin, a major promoter of spiritual evolution.

Syncretism: The belief that religious worldviews once thought incompatible can actually merge. The end result of syncretism will be the creation of a one-world religion. Syncretism is possible because modern-day evangelicalism has embraced mysticism and pagan spirituality while rejecting the authority of God’s Word.

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