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Daily News
“Let the Headlines Speak”
by From the Internet   
July 18th, 2013

Wall Street Journal: Netanyahu Has Red Lines, Obama Doesn't
A Wall Street Journal editorial has claimed that Israel has attacked Syria at least four times in 2013. The editorial, which appeared in the print edition of the newspaper on Tuesday, was critical of U.S. President Barack Obama over his inaction on Syria, while noting that Israel has red lines and it acts on them when they are crossed.  

California considers abortion expansion
As other states move to restrict abortions, the California Legislature is considering two bills that would increase access to abortion—despite public opinion against the move, according to LifeNews.  

Christians Flee Villages in Egypt's North Sinai After Terrifying Murders
Christians in two villages in North Sinai, Egypt have fled for their lives after a priest was gunned down and a Christian businessman was abducted and killed, his decapitated body dumped onto a street.  

Alarm as steam seen rising from Fukushima reactor
The operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is investigating a plume of steam that is rising from within the No. 3 reactor building but says radiation levels in the air have not risen. The steam was noticed at 8:20am by repair crews tasked with removing contaminated debris from the building...  

Driving somewhere? There's a government record of that
Chances are, your local or state police departments have photographs of your car in their files, noting where you were driving on a particular day, even if you never did anything wrong. Using automated scanners, law enforcement agencies across the country have amassed millions of digital records on the location and movement of every vehicle with a license plate...  

Snowden Standoff Could Sink Obama-Putin Summit
When the Obama administration discusses matters of sensitive diplomacy, it isn’t always a model of clarity. But this week reporters have struggled to get a direct answer to what would seem to be a simple question: Is President Barack Obama still planning to attend a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in early September?  

Clever Hacks Give Google Glass Many Unintended Powers
At Philz Coffee in Palo Alto, Calif., a kid who looks like he should still be in high school is sitting across from me. He's wearing Google Glass. As I stare into the device's cyborg eye, I'm waiting for its tiny screen to light up. Then, I wait for a signal that Google Glass has recognized my face. It isn't supposed to do that, but has hacked it.  

Violent criminals released by ICE if they are ‘Obama Dreamers’
...National ICE Council president Chris Crane explained what President Obama’s actions on immigration and blind eye to illegal immigration has made it nearly impossible for ICE agents to enforce the law. ...we apply the Dream Act not to kids, ...but to adult inmates and have to ask them...‘Do you qualify for President Obama’s Dream Act?’ When they tell us ‘Yes we qualify’...We can’t detain them...we simply have to release them to the street.  

German finance minister visits angry Greece
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is due in Athens Thursday (18 July) just as the Greek parliament, amid large street protests, passed a bill that will see thousands of public sector jobs cut. The reform bill, needed to secure a €8.6bn tranche of bailout money, will see around 4,000 public sector workers - including teachers and school guards - face dismissal.  

Netanyahu aide denies reports talks to be based on '67 lines
A spokesman for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is denying a Reuters report that the government has agreed to a proposed formula for new peace talks with the Palestinians under which the border of their future state would be along the lines that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, but with agreed land swaps. 

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