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Daily News
“War Drill Set to Test Responses to Chemical Attack”
by Trunews   
May 22nd, 2013

Authorities will hold a war drill next week based on the scenario of missiles po


uring in from multiple fronts, with some carrying chemical warheads. The “targets” in the drill include population centers and strategic facilities.

Named “Steadfast Home Front 1,” the exercise will simulate the firing of missiles from Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza, and will include two air-raid sirens that will ring out across the country next Monday, May 27.

During the sirens, members of the public are encouraged to seek a preselected safe zone and drill their responses to missile attack.

The first siren will sound at 12:30 p.m., and is mainly aimed at schools and work places, while the second, at 7:05 p.m., is to drill families at home.

The drill will test the responses of all first responders – police, firefighters, and paramedics – as well as the IDF Home Front Command and national and local government, said Home Front Defense Minister Gilad Erdan during a press conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.

“This is one of the lessons the government and emergency responders learned from the Second Lebanon War, when they were caught unprepared, and suffered from a lack of coordination,” Erdan said.

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