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Welcome to our website

This website has been created for your enjoyment and blessing!

All around us, events are unfolding that were foretold in the Scripture thousands of years ago. I would like to encourage you to pause and consider the significance of the events unfolding before your eyes. We find ourselves driven to the inescapable conclusion that our world is rapidly heading for a crisis unparalleled in human history, and that nothing can now avert it.

Our Purpose 

Our purpose is to seek to cause men and women to glorify God through the dissemination of truth as found in God's Word.  We understand that prophecy and its fulfillment are given by God to prove to men that He is the Sovereign Lord of the Universe who knows the end from the beginning and that the Bible is His Word (Isaiah 46:9, Isaiah 42:9, Isaiah 48:3, Amos 3:7).

My name is Art Sadlier; I am a Baptist pastor, and have planted and pastored churches in Ontario, New Brunswick and New York State. I am now involved in an itinerant ministry of Bible Teaching, Prophecy, Exhortation and Evangelism. The Lord has called me to encourage the remnant of true believers, to call out of New Evangelicalism those who are being deceived by it, and to reach the unsaved before it is forever too late.

We Believe in:

Click here to read the latest Morning Meditation

  • The Inspiration and Infallibility of the Scriptures
  • The Deity of Christ and His virgin birth
  • The Substitutionary Atonement of Christ's Death
  • The Literal Resurrection of Christ from the Dead
  • The Literal Return of Christ to the Earth Seven Years after the Rapture of the Church
  • The pretribulational and premillenial rapture of the Church
  • The existence of One God Eternally Existing in Three Persons
  • The Depravity of Humanity, and that man needs to be redeemed
  • The Existence of the person of Satan, who is God's adversary
  • A literal Heaven and a literal Hell
  • The Importance of Evangelism and Soul-winning
  • The Importance of the Local Church
  • The necessity of living lives separated from the world and its contaminating influence
  • The necessity of separation from ecclesiastical apostasy

We believe that the King James Version is the only English Bible that has been translated from the manuscripts approved and accepted by the early Church.

Please visit our "Site Index" for a complete listing of good audio and written material. For current events and a listing of all new material, please visit our "What's New " page. If you wish to read our Newslttters click on "Printed News Letter"



Monthly Newsletter Printed Edition     Monthly Expanded Printed Edition                                                     (Email Newsletter - Includes Both Editions - not available at this time)

These are available on request at no cost.

Our Policy

Sound the Trumpet is a faith ministry, we do not solicite funds, we simply trust God to provide. None of our staff recieves any remuneration. Contributions provide for printing and mailing costs.



"Letters to the Churches"

In the letters to the seven Churches of Revelation two and three we have the history of the entire church age. This history was written at the very beginning of the church age as a prophecy. We are living today at the very close of the church age. The book is filled with fearfuil warnings of judgment and wonderful promises of blessing to believers.

72 pages  Available free on request.


"Quiet Time"

God's simple plan for His children to live in victory. Clearly laid out in a plain, simple presentation. 12 pages, in color.

Available free on request.

"After the Sacrifice"

This book sheds light on the Levitical sacrifices. 100 pages. 

Available free on request

"Who Knows The Future"

A 42 page book explains why prophecy is important.

"The Rapture"

This 36 page book gives the reasons why we believe in the Pretribulation-Premillennial rapture of the church.

Tracts - Free on request

"Is the Bible God's Word"  -  "The Spider in the Cornfield"  -  "Eternity"  -  "The End of the Age"







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