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“Mk Katz: U.S. Supporters of Israel Must Get Tough With Obama”
by Arutz Sheva - Hillel Fendel   
June 5th, 2009

 MK: Obama Policy Like Pharaoh's
“Let’s not mince words,” says Knesset Member Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), head of the National Union party. “The Obama-Clinton ‘no natural growth’ policy for 650,000 Jews in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem is nothing less than anti-Semitism.”

Speaking Wednesday with Israel National Radio, Katz called on Christian and Jewish supporters of Israel to get tough with President Obama and tell the administration that they will not accept such policies.

No Difference Between Jerusalem and Yesha

“Ever since we liberated Jerusalem, the Golan and the other Biblical Jewish areas over 40 years ago,” Katz said, “American administrations have always been pushing us and trying to stunt our growth in Judea and Samaria; what the Obama Administration is trying to do is not new. I would just like to add that for the Obama Administration, there is no difference between Jerusalem and the rest of Judea and Samaria. In the Jerusalem neighborhoods that were liberated in 1967, we have close to 300,000 Jews, and we have another 350,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria. For the Americans, all 650,000 are the same; they are all to be boycotted, discriminated against and told to stop building and stop growing. There is no difference for them.”

“There is one other difference [between past U.S. administrations and this o. In the past, other administrations have also pressured us – but this is the very first time that they are actually saying that the Jewish people have no right to give birth, or to build kindergartens, or to grow. President Barack Hussein Obama is the first one to say that a population of 650,000 Jews in Israel is not allowed to build even one square meter. He is bringing us back to the Middle Ages, with Jews facing discrimination simply because they are Jews.”

MK Katz, Pres. Obama. Israel news Photo: (Sasson Tiram, Flash 90)

Similar Decrees from Obama and Pharaoh

“This is the first time,” Katz continued with fervor, “that Americans – Christians and Jews – hear a President saying that the Biblical areas – areas that they believe and know are completely Jewish – must be sterilized of Jews. They hear him saying, just like King Pharaoh decreed so many years ago, that Jews must not give birth!"

"We have to ask the American people – Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Senators and Congressmen of both parties, and others – to stand up and say: We refuse to fight against the Biblical nation in the Biblical land, and we have to stop this president from discriminating against the Jewish people. This is the first time since the Holocaust that a Western leader has said Jews have no right to give birth. I repeat this – because [Secretary of Sta Hillary Clinton said that even natural growth will not be allowed. They don’t say this about dogs or cats; only Jews in the Holy Land, a population of 650,000 Jews, has no right to grow and develop!”

The question was posed: “There are those in Israel, such as former Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin of the Meretz party, who say that preventing children from building homes near their parents is a far cry from banning them from giving birth. How do you answer that?”

No Kindergarten Means No Growth

Katz: “First of all, we must note that the Jewish People have always had the problem that anti-Semitic leaders are often surrounded by Jewish advisors; we sometimes suffer from the Jews more than from the Gentiles. But regarding his point: If someone says you can’t add a room to a house, or build a kindergarten or a grocery or anything else, it means that 650,000 Jews in Jerusalem and elsewhere cannot grow, cannot give birth.”

Reiterating his message to American supporters of Israel, Katz said, “The American people have to stand up and say that a President who says these things is simply anti-Semitic. The American people must not be silent – and the fact that they are not shouting is what is scaring me! Something happened 70 years ago in Europe and no one stood up to stop it – and no one is standing up to Obama now either, to say, ‘Shut up! You have no right to tell the Jewish People that they cannot have children in their own land!’”

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